
The Importance of Regular Oil Changes for Your Vehicle

As an auto repair client, routine car maintenance should always be a top priority. One of the most crucial aspects of vehicle maintenance is regular oil changes. Perhaps you already know the importance of changing your car’s engine oil, or maybe you’ve been told about it a million times. Either way, it is vital to stay consistent in your oil-changing schedule.

Why Are Regular Oil Changes Important?

Oil is the lifeblood of your engine. It keeps the engine lubricated and running smoothly. Over time, oil begins to break down and cannot perform as effectively as it could. The engine will eventually become damaged if the oil is not changed. Neglecting to change your oil causes friction and heat from the engine’s many parts, which can result in costly engine repairs.

How Often Should You Change Your Oil?

It’s critical to refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual for specific information on recommended oil change intervals. Because a car engine has many moving parts, the rate at which high operating temperatures, heavy loads, and many cold starts can influence the oil breaks down. Generally, the standard recommendation is to change the oil after every 5,000 miles, but it’s best to confirm with the automaker’s guidelines.

Oil changes are crucial to the longevity of your engine. You can’t go wrong by adhering to a regular oil change schedule. More importantly, if you’re not confident performing the oil changes, visit your local auto repair shop or dealership. They can do the oil change service safely and efficiently. It’s an excellent opportunity to ensure your car is in good working condition and identify other issues that may require repair. With regular oil changes and proper maintenance, your vehicle will stay on the road longer and give you many years of comfortable rides.

Photo by Serghei Starus from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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